Google — Agent Assist

Deliver AI-powered conversations with human agents.

Google — Agent Assist


Software Engineering Intern


Sept. – Dec. 2022


Frontend Development

Solution Design

Unit and Integration Testing


TypeScript Angular NgRx Jasmine


Agent Assist is Google Cloud’s AI solution for contact centers. Agent Assist uses machine learning technology to provide suggestions to human agents when they are in a conversation with a customer. Suggestions are based on the client’s own uploaded data and therefore can be tailored to their specific business needs.

Agent Assist key features:

  • Smart Reply: Send custom response suggestions to human agents while they are conversing with a customer
  • Article Suggestion: Send article suggestions to human agents during a conversation
  • Summarization: Use AI to automatically summarize customer calls
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyze messages during a conversation to determine emotional intent

The Agent Assist console provides a UI to upload data, train models, and create conversation profiles to configure features. The console also includes a simulator that allows users to preview these features in action during a conversation.

As a frontend software engineering intern on the Agent Assist console team, I was the primary developer for the sentiment analysis UI.

Sentiment Analysis UI


I developed a graphical UI for Agent Assist’s sentiment analysis feature, showing live sentiment scores of an agent-customer interaction over time. These sentiment scores reflect the emotional intent of the customer, providing agents with live feedback and trends during conversations .

The primary component of the UI is a line chart of customer sentiment scores. As part of the implementation, I contributed to an internal charting library, used by 60+ teams at Google, to add support for multicolor line charts . This allowed the chart to display negative sentiment scores as red and positive sentiment scores as green. I also developed a hovercard extension for the chart that displays messages, sentiment scores, and conversation metrics.

Unfortunately, this feature is not yet available to the public, so I can’t share any images of my project. Check back in a few months for an update!


  1. Write a design document for the Agent Assist simulator’s sentiment analysis UI
  2. Collaborate with my team’s PM and UX designer to iterate on mockups of the sentiment analysis UI
  3. Write a design document to add multicolor line charts to the internal charting library
  4. Implement multicolor line charts
  5. Implement the sentiment analysis UI (line chart and hovercard extension)


Cross-Functional Teams

Working in a collaborative, cross-functional team was an incredibly insightful experience, providing me with a clear view of the entire software development process. As a frontend developer, it was particularly rewarding to consistently collaborate with our team’s UX designer and project manager. I observed user interviews, learned about product requirements from clients, and iterated on mocks to determine how information is displayed in the UI . Through this process, we ultimately reached a product that met all of our users’ needs.

Design Documents

Google requires writing a design document for large features. Design documents are used to design a solution before implementation, taking into account factors like technologies and libraries used, alternative approaches, cost of migration, and accessibility. It also allows all team members to give valuable feedback, offering perspectives from design, product, and engineering.

My first design document outlined the sentiment analysis UI, including a table of tradeoffs between charting library options . Using this document, our UX designer tweaked designs to account for limitations in the charting library, our project manager suggested changes to better meet the needs of our clients, and other engineers on my team provided insights into implementation.

My second design document outlined the use cases of multicolor line charts and two approaches to implementation . After review and discussions with the charting library team, we decided on the best approach that minimized migration for teams already using the library.

Design documents also effectively serve as documentation. There were numerous times when I found previous design documents to gain insights into why certain decisions were made. When choosing between charting libraries, I cited a previous design document that performed accessibility research into charting libraries commonly used at Google. When designing the multicolor line chart, I found a design document detailing the core principles and implementation of the charting library, which provided me with a standard to follow.

Trunk-Based Development

Google follows trunk-based development using a Mercurial-based version control system. In trunk-based development, developers frequently merge small changes into the main branch. As a result, it enables continuous integration by reducing long-lived branches, limiting merge conflicts, and encouraging quick code reviews .

For example, I created many CLs (changelists) for the sentiment analysis line chart, including separate CLs to scaffold the component, set up the charting library, process sentiment data, build and style the UI, and write tests. Since each CL was a small, self-contained unit, I could expect to receive a review from my team within minutes. Across just 3 months, I was able to merge 32 CLs , demonstrating the efficiency of development at Google.

My previous development experience with Git has primarily followed a feature branch workflow, where branches often include days or weeks of work that result in significant merge conflicts. I’ve since tried to more closely follow trunk-based development principles, making small commits and limiting branches when possible. In the process, I’ve been able to improve my productivity as a developer.


Although I’ve worked with accessibility before, this was the first time I’ve seen it play such a big role in both technical and business decisions. Aside from just creating accessible software for all users, accessibility was a top priority for CAIIS (Cloud AI & Industry Solutions). Clients in sectors such as education or government require certain accessibility standards to be met, meaning accessibility could be the reason a client chooses Agent Assist instead of a competitor.

For my intern project, accessibility was the primary reason that our team ruled out common charting libraries like Google Charts and D3 . The internal library we chose allows keyboard and screen reader users to navigate charts using arrow keys, meeting the required accessibility standards. Through this internship, I’ve learned more about how people with disabilities interact with the web, making it clear that I should continue to prioritize accessibility in future projects.


At a huge company like Google, I learned just how important it is to consistently write tests. Google uses an automated testing infrastructure with presubmit analyses to run tests across its codebase for each new CL, which detects any bugs introduced by the CL. When working with the charting library, there were a few instances where one of my changes would have broken code in other teams’ codebases, but these errors were quickly detected and I was able to fix them before merging the changes.

This was the first time I wrote comprehensive frontend tests, including unit, integration, and snapshot tests . Using Angular, I created component harnesses to interact with and read the state of DOM elements, allowing unit and integration tests to ensure that all user behaviors work as expected. I also mocked input data, such as the sentiment scores passed into the line chart. In addition, I used snapshot tests for the multicolor line chart feature to ensure that the chart is rendered consistently.


Angular has a bad reputation , but I enjoyed working with it. Angular is an opinionated framework, meaning it pushes developers to follow a certain way of doing things, including conventions and design patterns. It also provides first-party libraries that cover a wide variety of features, such as routing, forms management, and client-server communication.

Opinionated frameworks can speed up development by reducing the number of decisions you need to make. With a library like React, its ecosystem provides multiple library options for most features necessary to build an application. For example, React state management libraries include Redux, Zustand, MobX, and Recoil. With Angular, NgRx is the clear choice for state management. As a result, Angular streamlines development and encourages clean, maintainable code .

However, Angular’s opinionation can be a dealbreaker for some developers. For example, Angular’s project file structure highly encourages splitting components into separate files. In Agent Assist’s codebase, a typical component has 5-7 files: an HTML template, CSS stylesheet, TypeScript component, NgModule, component harness, route guard, and tests.

This file structure can certainly feel cumbersome at times, but I found that the organization helped me when working on a large codebase with complex components. Angular provides tools to quickly scaffold components, making the boilerplate less of an issue. Angular v14 also introduced standalone components that reduce the need to create separate NgModule files.

It can also take some time to get used to Angular’s design patterns. Angular is tightly integrated with RxJS , a library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. While RxJS is incredibly powerful, effectively using it requires a shift in paradigm toward functional reactive programming. Angular also uses object-oriented programming, which is rarely seen in other frontend frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte.

In my free time, I work primarily on smaller personal projects. As a result, I prefer single file components, simpler syntax for reactivity, and freedom to explore new technologies. This typically leads me to use frameworks like Svelte and Vue. For large enterprise applications that value maintainability, Angular certainly has its advantages and I’m excited to continue working with Angular in the future .